Learn Directly from Jordan Harbinger
Journey through 12 missions of varying complexity that will prime you for the growth to succeed in both personal and professional social situations.
You will access your Hidden Network and The Captains of industry. Haven't you waited enough?
Get your "ask" in gear
Be the first in the running for that new job or promotion
Always have value to bring to the table
Connect you with captains of industry. Confidently command any social situation over the next 30 days.
Provide value to your network at every level, and fearlessly navigate the difficult waters of tapping into that network for help when you need it.
Re-engaging with old and forgotten connections — counterintuitively, the strongest part of your network
Instilling the discipline necessary for forming good daily habits that make a lasting difference in your relationship building, reconnecting, and maintenance efforts.
Showing you how to connect with famously busy people you might otherwise write off as being out of your networking league.
...and prime you for the growth to succeed in social situations both personal and professional.
Intro: How to Get the Most out of This Program
Creating and Maintaining Connections Effectively
Connect 4 (aka: Text Engage): Re-engaging with Your Forgotten Network
Gmail Roulette: Reconnecting with Old Email Contacts
Digging the Well Before You're Thirsty
ABG: Always Be Giving with the Double Opt-in Introduction
Digging Deeper: Making Social Media More Social
Go at your own schedule, not ours.