You will access your Hidden Network and The Captains of industry. Haven't you waited enough?

  • Get your "ask" in gear

  • Be the first in the running for that new job or promotion

  • Always have value to bring to the table

  • Connect you with captains of industry. Confidently command any social situation over the next 30 days.


Provide value to your network at every level, and fearlessly navigate the difficult waters of tapping into that network for help when you need it.

  • The Hidden Network

    Re-engaging with old and forgotten connections — counterintuitively, the strongest part of your network

  • Emotions Create Habits

    Instilling the discipline necessary for forming good daily habits that make a lasting difference in your relationship building, reconnecting, and maintenance efforts.

  • Change the Game

    Showing you how to connect with famously busy people you might otherwise write off as being out of your networking league.

The program takes you through 12 missions of varying complexity that will nudge you ever so gently out of your comfort zone...

...and prime you for the growth to succeed in social situations both personal and professional.

    1. Intro: How to Get the Most out of This Program

    2. Creating and Maintaining Connections Effectively

    1. Connect 4 (aka: Text Engage): Re-engaging with Your Forgotten Network

    1. Gmail Roulette: Reconnecting with Old Email Contacts

    1. Digging the Well Before You're Thirsty

    1. ABG: Always Be Giving with the Double Opt-in Introduction

    1. Digging Deeper: Making Social Media More Social

About this course

  • Free
  • 15 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content

Re-engage with old and forgotten connections.

Go at your own schedule, not ours.

Instructor Jordan Harbinger

Jordan Harbinger is a Wall Street lawyer turned talk show host and founder of The Jordan Harbinger Show, awarded as Apple's Best of 2018, Most Downloaded New Podcasts. Jordan is invested in personally sharpening your proficiency in networking and relationship development, confident nonverbal communication, commanding vocal tonality, optimal negotiation, identifying and responding to personality archetypes, and ensuring your mindset is primed for growth long after you leave.


The program taken as a whole will pull you to the center of your social nexus among the elite by ensuring you’re operating at peak performance in personal branding, nonverbal communication, advanced value, super connecting, deep psychology, influence, planning events no one will want to miss, and continual growth in new skill sets.